A True Bird Mystery: Chapter 2 - Anything but Silent
Updated: Jan 26, 2023
Welcome to the second installment in our true bird mysteries, a true-crime-inspired series. Hints will be mixed throughout this post, so use your best talents to solve these riddles!
This is the second entry in the "A True Bird Mystery" series. To read the first chapter, "A Silent Introduction," click here. This series will progress in difficulty, so if you like solving mysteries, riddles, and scavenger hunts...
Join Us, SherLARK Holmes! (That was not a clue.)
Want to watch the previous video version of chapter 1 instead? Check it out on YouTube! And please subscribe to our channel!
All chapters of "A True Bird Mystery:"
Anything but Silent
A Wandering Band of Thieves
A Surplus of Joy
A Red Herring
Where should you look for clues? Everywhere. Weird word choices, unusual phrases, consider contextual clues. Look for anything out of the ordinary with the rest of the story!
Remember, scroll slowly so you do not jump ahead and see the answer or spoilers!
A Rhyme Lacking Illumination
Long have you mired
Until winter has expired
A sparrow some are called
Though you should be epauled
Everywhere you are found
Your territory is filled with your sound
Always hiding with the punks
Keep your nest above the skunks
Your uniform shows your rank
Though the rest of you is blank
A feeder you might visit
It's too small or is it
Though you belong to the flock
Single, will you harass a hawk
Two appearances can you show
Your mate or your beaux
Though I have finished my rhyme
You still have ample time
A Rhyme Lacking Illumination with Clues Highlighted
Long have you mired
Until winter has expired
A sparrow some are called
Though you should be epauled
Everywhere you are found
Your territory is filled with your sound
Always hiding with the punks
Keep your nest above the skunks
Your uniform shows your rank
Though the rest of you is blank
A feeder you might visit
It's too small or is it
You belong to the flock
But solo, you will harass a hawk
Two appearances can you show
Your mate or your beaux
Though I have finished my rhyme
You still have ample time
A summary of clues with HINTS!
Lacking Illumination - What lacks light or illumination?
Mired - I admire your willingness to look up the word mire.
Winter expired - A bird that may recall spring?
Sparrow some are called - Perhaps this species is confused with a sparrow sometimes?
Epauled - Weird misspelling...
Everywhere - A species with a significant range.
Territory - Many birds have territories, but this species is especially known for it.
Punks - Not all punks have two legs.
Nest above - Not a ground nester?
Uniform | rank - Where is the rank of an officer presented on a uniform?
Blank - Perhaps not many field marks?
Flock - This bird's scientific name is tied to its flocking behavior
Harass a hawk - This seems more obvious.
Two appearances - Dichromatic? Dimorphic?
FINAL HINT (MAJOR SPOILER): Check out this article.
SPOILER: The answer is below!
The mystery solved, a Red-winged Blackbird!
Learn about the basis for the clues
Lacking Illumination - Black is the complete absence of light, and this is a species of blackbird.
Mired - A wetland may also be called a mire.
Winter expired - In our opinion, the Red-winged Blackbird is the signal of spring!
Sparrow some are called - The female Red-winged Blackbird is often confused with a sparrow.
Epauled - Appalled was tinged with epaulet.
Everywhere - The Red-winged Blackbird has a range across most of North America.
Territory - The Red-winged Blackbird fiercely defends its territory during the breeding season.
Punks - Another term for a cattail is a punk!
Nest above - The Red-winged Blackbird ties its nest higher than ground-level in cattails, rushes, brush, etc.
Uniform | rank - The rank of an officer is indicated on the epaulet of the uniform. Red-winged Blackbirds have red and yellow 'epaulets.'
Blank - Outside of the red and yellow, there are few plumage markations for male Red-winged Blackbirds.
Flock - The genus of the Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius, means of the flock.
Harass a hawk - Blackbirds are often seen harassing hawks, even when not in a flock.
Two appearances - The Red-winged Blackbird is sexually dimorphic, meaning the male and female look very different.
How did you do? Comment your thoughts in the comment section below! Here are the things to share with us in the comments:
Which clue solidified your guess?
Did you need the clues pointed out in the second section?
Did you need the summary with hints?
Did you use the major spoiler?
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