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A True Bird Mystery: Chapter 3 - Sit a Spell

Updated: Jan 26, 2023

Welcome to the third installment in our true bird mysteries, a true-crime-inspired series. Hints will be mixed throughout this article, so use your investigative skills to solve!

A bird photo shrouded in mystery.
Don't get worked up over this mystery. Keep your excitement levels down.

This is the third entry in the "A True Bird Mystery" series. This series will progress in difficulty, so if you like solving mysteries, riddles, and scavenger hunts...

Join Us, SherLARK Holmes! (That was not a clue.)


Want to watch the video version of Chapter 1? Check it out on YouTube!

All chapters of "A True Bird Mystery:"
  1. A Silent Introduction

  2. Anything but Silent

  3. Sit a Spell

  4. A Crowning Achievement

  5. A Golden Opportunity

  6. A Wandering Band of Thieves

  7. A Surplus of Joy

  8. A Red Herring

Where should you look for clues? Everywhere. Weird word choices, unusual phrases, consider contextual clues. Look for anything out of the ordinary in this article!

Remember, scroll slowly so you do not jump ahead and see the answer or spoilers!

I promise no prank, this rhyme is no yank

The heart of the tree

Soon you must flee

As light exposes all

From a horn do you call

Humble with head down

Big-nosed, sans clown

In hardwoods are you found

Your tail is quite round

Winter does not chase

Blank is your face

Tools do you use

The hammer be your muse

Though I found your cache

I would never raid your stash

Let us sit and chew the fat

But please, beware the cat


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Want more riddles? Of Course!
Of Course! Riddles & Brainteasers

I promise no prank, this rhyme is no yank (with clues emphasized)

The heart of the tree

Soon you must flee

As light exposes all

From a horn do you call

Humble with head down

Big-nosed, sans clown

In hardwoods are you found

Your tail is quite round

Winter does not chase

Blank is your face

Tools do you use

The chisel be your muse

Though I found your cache

I would never raid your stash

Let us sit and chew the fat

But please, beware the cat


What am I? Find out!

What am I? a collection of traditional word riddles

A summary of clues with HINTS!

  1. Sit a spell - Sit a may refer to a different name for this bird.

  2. Don't get worked up over this mystery. Keep your excitement levels down. - Unusual phrase with contrasting prepositions.

  3. This rhyme is no yank - Why pick the word yank?

  4. Heart of the tree - How do you get to the heart of the tree?

  5. Horn call - A possible description of the sound the bird makes.

  6. Head down - Maybe a behavior?

  7. Big-nosed - Birds don't have noses, so...

  8. Hardwoods - Habitat description?

  9. Round tail - Not a pointed tail.

  10. Tool use - Unique behavior to accomplish a task?

  11. Chisel - This bird clearly would make chisels blush.

  12. Cache - A bird that stores food?

  13. Fat - Another word for fat that a bird might "chew."

FINAL HINT (MAJOR SPOILER): Check out this article.


Attract your own mystery birds!

natures way suet feeder

See our full guide to suet feeders!


SPOILER: The answer is below!


The mystery solved, a White-breasted Nuthatch!

A White-breasted Nuthatch sits on a tree
Revealed - Our mystery is the White-breasted Nuthatch!

Learn about the basis for the clues

  1. Sit a spell - The genus of the White-breasted Nuthatch is Sitta.

  2. Up/Down - Nuthatches can work up AND down trees.

  3. Yank - Some describe the call of the White-breasted Nuthatch as a yank.

  4. Heart of the tree - Nuthatches live in natural tree cavities.

  5. Horn call - Some describe nuthatch sounds as toy and silly horns.

  6. Head down - Nuthatches frequently move down trees looking for food.

  7. Big-nosed - The White-breasted Nuthatch has a large bill.

  8. Hardwoods - White-breasted Nuthatch prefer deciduous forests to coniferous.

  9. Round tail - Woodpeckers have pointed tails instead of round tails.

  10. Tool use - Nuthatches will jam seeds into crevices, acting like a vice.

  11. Chisel - After vicing the food, nuthatches will chisel it open.

  12. Cache - Nuthatches are known to cache/store food.

  13. Fat - Nuthatches LOVE suet.

How did you do? Comment your thoughts in the comment section below! Here are the things to share with us in the comments:

  1. Which clue solidified your guess?

  2. Did you need the clues pointed out in the second section?

  3. Did you need the summary with hints?

  4. Did you use the major spoiler?

  5. Let us know, below!


Use suet to attract nuthatches! Orange Delight Suet Dough is our favorite!

Orange delight no melt suet dough
Zach really likes Orange Delight No Melt Suet Dough. But he doesn't eat it. I hope.


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